For the past two years, the Commonwealth of Virginia and ESO have partnered to pursue our mission to help Virginia become the healthiest state in the nation.
As we continue to work with ESO, we encourage you to consider attending Wave 2023 featuring ESO Training Academy. ESO hosts this annual conference, bringing together ESO product trainers, national EMS, fire and hospital thought leaders and data experts, and ESO product users for a unique experience.
For more information, please click this link.
On Friday, the Virginia Office of EMS provided guidance regarding Governor Northam's limited executive Order and its applicability to EMS agencies/providers. Please see the official guidance provided below:
pdf OEMS Executive Order 84 Guidance-1/14/22 (134 KB)
The Board of Directors of the Southwest Virginia EMS Council approved revisions to the regional EMS Performance Improvement Plan at their regular meeting. These documents are available in the Plans and Protocols section of this site.
The Southwest Virginia EMS Council, under direction of the Office of Emergency Medical Services, coordinates a regional Performance Improvement Program. Data is submitted quarterly to review performance related to specific indicators determined by regional performance improvement committees. Participation in this program ensures that all agencies are compliant with EMS Rules and Regulations requirements to undertake periodic PI review.
The PI Template is provided to help EMS agencies and OMDs design their own PI programs to meet organizational needs.
OEMS recently announced that in conjunction with Virginia’s EMS System, the Western Virginia EMS Council recently partnered with ESO to build a comprehensive, statewide network to better collect and track healthcare and public safety data from EMS agencies, fire departments and hospitals.
This will allow the system to really lean into data across the entire patient journey – from 911 call to hospital disposition – to help improve patient care and patient outcomes at a statewide level. Additionally, we’ll have greater insight into first responder well-being so we can provide ongoing support to this critical workforce. Bottom line, we’ll be able to leverage analytics to see data-driven trends that will help us make the most informed decisions when it comes to keeping Virginians healthy and safe.
For more information, click below:
The Southwest Virginia EMS Council is hiring for a number of part-time positions. Please click read more to view the position descriptions and submit an application.